Unlocking Tokens For Private Funding And IDO Plan
Thank you for your interest and support of Patron Saint.
For everyone in the PNST token seed round.IDO and holding tokens, this is the latest news
PNST will be developed on the Pancake swap exchange next week, next we will have community governance via DIFI mining + NFT lottery model
42 million total issue
️ Public pre-sale 10% (4.2 million )
swap liquidity public 30% (12.6 million,)
Bounty activity 9% , (3.78 million)
Mining:51% (21.42 million)
Private Funding unlocking program, all positions are locked within one year. After one year, 10% is unlocked every 4 months. 50% of the early unlock will be added to liquidity upon signing the agreement
IDO Round unlocking program: 30% will be unlocked 5 minutes after the online exchange. The remaining 70% will be unlocked within 7 weeks. 10% will be unlocked every week. You can get a 10% airdrop of the total tokens by holding the tokens for 7 weeks.
We will have the first round of IDO on 4.26. Total three rounds. When the IDO round is over, we will announce the latest news in medium telegram group and Twitter.
At the end of 3 rounds, we will add liquidity on the Pancake swap.
Important things
We will launch pledge mining + lottery + games in the second phase after the token sale. Please check the website for details
Stay Patron Saint & Join Today!
If you are interested in the Patron Saint solution, check our website https://www.pnst.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PnstGroup
Telegram: https://t.me/PatronSaintGroup
Medium: https://patronsaintgroup.medium.com/